Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Weekend Activities

This past Saturday Joao brought us to his favorite beach. The beach area was quaint and simple the way an old beach resort in Mozambique should be. When I say resort, I mean a bunch of small rooms with thatched roofs that surround a restaurant area. The beach is then about 30 yards away from this area. It was so nice to just relax there and take an occasional swim in the waves.

Before lunch we walked about 10 minutes down the beach to a to a tiny fisherman village and I have attached pictures of that below.

We had a nice lunch and then Joao went over what he wants us to accomplish while we are here. It is A LOT of work and that is OKAY with us because he has organized it so well and has told us exactly what needs to be done and why it is important to Care For Life and to the people of Mozambique. As he was explaining what he wants us to do, I had a very distinct impression that the work that he is asking us to do is very important. It will have a direct impact on the lives of many people here in Mozambique. Anita and I were talking about it a little later and we both feel an overwhelming desire to do the best that we possibly can while here. We have a unique opportunity to focus on this task together and we want to do a great job. I will explain our responsibilities in the next post. For now, enjoy the pictures.


After parking the truck, we used this boat to get across the tidal basin and to the actual beach. Later in the afternoon, we had to wait in the little “terminal” on the upper right when we wanted to get back to the car. A boat goes back and forth every hour.


Here is the walk to the beach


Here is the beach with little pavilions (which I thought were a very good idea). I loved how chill it was there. This couple next to us was doing a little bbq.


We took a 10 minute walk down the beach and saw this cool little fisherman village.


They let us take pictures of their catch.


They carved the boats from one piece of wood. It probably took about 40 man hours…


This is a typical sign in the “resort”.


We stopped at a market on the way back to get some veggies.

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